A (free) ITU user account is required to subscribe to the mailing list.​ If you already have one, skip to the second step​.

  1. Visit the ITU User Account log​​in page
  2. Select “I am a new user”
  3. Select your organization
    • If your organization is an ITU member, select the correct category;
    • if your organization is not an ITU member select:​ ​​OTHER ORGANIZATIONS (Non Member or I don’t know)

Attention! The Academia bullet is only for ITU-Aca​demia-members; see list here​​​​.​ Universities that are not ITU-Academia-Members select: “Non member”

  1. Fill in the rest of the information. Once complete​d, you will immediately receive an e‑mail to activate your ITU user account. If you don’t see it, check you spam folder.
  2. Follow the link in the e‑mail to activate your new ITU account.​ This is a mandatory step!
    • If your organization is an ITU member, cl​ick “Request TIES access” to enjoy all features of an ITU account (after the focal point in organization approves the request)
  1. Click h​ere to open the service directory.
  2. Select ​metaverse​​ mailing list (metaverse@lists.itu.int) and click Subscribe.

* Note In order to send an email to a mailing list, you must first be su​bscribed to that particular mailing list. Otherwise, your email will not be delivered. ​